Way of Council ongoing Circle
October 2023 -July 2024
Hunger Hill Studio,
Newton Poppleford
East Devon
Dear friends
Do you hear the call to sit in circle with open hearted people? Do you desire to connect more deeply than in everyday conversation? The call is going out for an ongoing Way of Council circle meeting every few weeks at Hunger Hill studio beginning October 29th 2023 through to July 2024.
Way of Council is a rich way of circle working and ceremony based on listening deeply to ourselves, each other and the environment around us. It is a way of peace, mediation and reconciliation. It is a way of the heart and much needed in these times.
We will meet on Sunday afternoons from 1-5pm. There are 9 sessions during the course of the year and I am asking that you commit to coming to at least 5.
Cost £28 a session -there will be a couple of subsidised places. Please let me know by Monday 9th October whether you would like to be in the circle and I will send you further joining instructions. You are welcome to call me with any questions you have.
The theme underpinning the year is: ‘Holding on and letting go: what now can guide me in these times?’ The ongoing changes and upheavals of what is clearly ‘not an era of shift, but a shift of era’ (Pope Francis) asks us at a deeper level who we are and how we might respond. In community we will consider what that might look like as we live our way further into dissipation, revelation and generation.
Dates for the year 2023: Oct 29th; Dec 10th;
2024: Jan 14th; Feb 18th; Mar 24th; Apr 28th; Jun 2nd (all day); June 30th; July 28th
Bookings To book please contact saraedrew1@gmail.com or text 07933 621106
About Sara
Sara is a Way of Council carrier/facilitator and experienced group worker and trainer. She has worked in this tradition for 10 years and has completed a four year training as a Facilitator of Council. She runs a regular Council group and is a member of the European Council Network. Sara is a qualified therapeutic counsellor (Accredited & Registered BACP/NCS) and Voice Dialogue practitioner and worked as a trainer in both fields for more than 10 years. She has also trained in wilderness rites of passage ceremonies and has a background in journalism and third sector community projects.
For more see https://ojaifoundation.org/about/mission/